[Fade in: a black screen. White letters appear: ] CHOCOBO FLU PRODUCTIONS presents in association with EVIL GENIUS DEVICES, LTD [Softly, in the background, low music starts, the song "Can't Happen Here" by Stabbing Westward; dream-like synthesizers with soft drumbeats behind them. An announcer's voice as we fade in on the Shinra tower.] ANNOUNCER: Shinra, Inc. A company where 'humanitarian' is a concept that's definately on the wrong side of the profit margin ... and the president is slowly going insane. [Cut scene to Rufus and President Shinra arguing in the President's office.] Rufus: There's no reason to raise the damn energy rates. We're making plenty of profit; what are you /using/ it for if it's not to upgrade the equpiment? I told you, Reeve says that there's serious safety issues... President Shinra: I've given you your orders, Rufus. I don't expect to be questioned further. [Cut to a shot of Reeve working in his office, his tie half-undone, his hair standing a little on end] ANNOUNCER: Working here is like being on the front lines of a war ... [Rufus comes barging through Reeve's office door, shutting it behind him. He leans against it and speaks, the bruise on his cheekbone beginning to show in full glory.] Rufus: God /damn/ it, Reeve, I'm /so/ sick of this shit. If that old man does this /one more time/ I'm going to lose my temper and kick him sometime into next week... [Reeve has gotten up from behind the desk, his eyes shocked, at the first sight of Rufus; he moves over to stand in front of his friend, eyes concerned. One hand reaches out to touch his cheek, gently.] Reeve: Let me guess, you were fighting again ... well, that's obvious. Come on, sit down... [He leads Rufus to the couch, turning to the bar. The scene fades again, to an empty hallway. A few seconds later, the Tarx come charging down it, all in shirtsleeves, chasing a basketball. Rufus and Reeve are with them.] ANNOUNCER: Two men are fighting in this war to retain their dignity and humanity, to find the answers to some of their own questions... [Cut to Rufus standing at a patio door, perhaps the rear door of Reeve's apartment. One hand is on the glass, almost as if he's trying to reach out and touch. As the camera pans, we see Reeve, clad only in swim trunks, take off from the diving board, flawlessly pivoting mid-air before hitting the water. Rufus's lips curve, slowly, in a smile.] ANNOUNCER: ...and fighting against their own desires. [Cut to a scene of Rufus's penthouse by warm candlelight. Rufus and Reeve are laughing over glasses of some sort of alcohol. Rufus reaches out to casually brush a lock of hair out of Reeve's eyes. Reeve blushes. The music, which has been up to this point just a faint rumble of drums and cymbals, gains a more insistent beat.] ANNOUNCER: But even if these two can begin to admit their feelings for each other, their struggle has only begun. [Cut to the President's office again. A very angry-looking Rufus is shouting at the President, who is shouting right back.] Rufus: For once in my life, will you just /shut up/ and listen to me when I'm trying to tell you something, you absolute bastard! President Shinra: Your behavior is completely unacceptable -- Rufus [sneers]: Fuck you. Dad. [Rufus storms out of the office and slams the door behind him. Quick fade to a board meeting, where Rufus is talking, trying to make a point calmly and mostly failing.] Rufus: ...up 41% this year, with a general reduction in ... ANNOUNCER [overlapping]: Two men fighting against the forces of a world that they did not create, but must live in ... [The music swells, adding in a dark beat. The vocals are a low growl, over the upcoming footage.] Vocals: Late last night I tripped in violent shades of green A thousand voiceless faces were chasing me I ran through air as thick as glue From a thousand fucking faces that all looked like you [A montage of scenes accompanies the music: Rufus and Reeve, sharing an almost brutal kiss by firelight in Rufus's suite. Reeve, standing in front of his desk in his office, with Rufus slowly prowling towards him, a sly smirk on his face. A group shot, Rufus, Reeve and the Tarx, in a bar's corner table, laughing and generally acting vaguely drunk; the sparks between Rufus and Reeve are almost visible. Reeve, at the sink of his kitchen, up to his elbows in dish suds while Rufus sits on the counter nearby and laughs over something.] Vocals: Through night as black as hate my spirit fled Through branches filled with thorns my eyes bled and bled How could I ever hope to win this race When every time I close my eyes, I see your face? When every time I close my eyes... When every time I close my eyes... [Reeve gazes down upon Rufus, sprawled asleep in his bed and naked underneath the single sheet that covers him from the waist down, his golden skin shining against the linen, Reeve's kitten curled up in an adorable ball against Rufus's side. Rufus and Reeve sprawl over couches, both fully clothed and immersed in paperwork, seemingly unaware of each other until Reeve looks up and smiles. Rufus sits behind his desk, intently typing something, until Reeve's hand falls on his shoulder and he looks up, giving one of those beautiful heartstopper smiles that only he can do so well.] [The music fades to a single drone of the synthesizer.] ANNOUNCER: ...Fighting, and losing. [The music explodes, the bass driving the synthesizer to new heights of pounding vibration. The footage here dissolves rapidly, one shot melding into the other, almost too quickly for the viewer to grasp each individual scene.] Vocals: Just can't happen here. Just can't happen here. Just can't happen here... [The Corel Reactor explodes. Rufus whirls around angrily, shouting something at Reeve, who seems stricken by Rufus's words, which are drowned out by the music. Reeve, eyes narrowed, spits something that looks to be venomous at Rufus, who slams a hand down on the table. Rufus stands in the doorway to Hojo's lab, looking at Aerith in the glass cage. Reeve and Rufus argue over the boardroom table. Rufus punches a wall. Reeve sits with his head in his hands. The plate over Sector 7 collapses in a cloud of dust. Rufus lifts his shotgun and aims it at Cloud on the roof of the Shinra building. Weapon rises from the sea. Rufus, in extreme close-up, turns his head and looks directly at the camera, and then his eyes widen in dismay.] [The music comes to a screeching halt, just the soft drone of the synthesizers fading off into the distance. Over the top of that, caught in mid-scream, is a high, thin scream. Then -- silence.] [More words appear, boldly emblazoned in white on the screen:] THE CONSCIENCE OF THE KING coming soon to a mailing list near you Written by: D and Sailor Solathei Starring: Reeve Brannon Rufus Shinra [In the sudden silence, the screen still dark, we hear Rufus's voice, dreamlike, almost chanting, as he reads from Hamlet: "Thus conscience does make cowards of us all."] [A white chocobo print appears on the screen, and then fades to nothingness.]